My Week in Review (2017-06-22)
What Happened?
I'm four days late with this review...
Visited San Francisco for SustainOSS
Tenement Museum on Sunday
Smorgasburg on Saturday
Dear Evan Hansen on broadway on Friday
Your Name. in cinema on Thursday
Visited Foursquare HQ on Thursday
Checked out Brooklyn Desks on Wednesday
Kazakhstan Spent \$5 Billion on a Death Star and It Doesn’t Even Shoot Lasers
To help rural kids do their homework, a Virginia county is using secret wireless spectrum
Review: a good-looking but hard-to-use button for controlling your iPhone
AI reveals global clothing preferences by data-mining Instagram photos
Plummeting clean energy prices are about to beat out coal around the world
These Maps Reveal the Hidden Structures of 'Choose Your Own Adventure' Books
Daring Fireball: Ikea Details Plans for Furniture Placement App Powered by Apple's ARKit
Daring Fireball: Why Reach Navigation Should Replace the Navbar in iOS Design
Daring Fireball: Wistron CEO Blabs About Waterproofing and 'Wireless Charging' for New iPhone
Daring Fireball: John Markoff to Interview Scott Forstall Next Week
Daring Fireball: Emil Michael, Second-in-Command at Uber, Leaves Company
Thinking Fast and Slow (as audiobook)